Senior Adults

Senior Adults Ministry

Our Senior Adults ministry includes adults aged 55 and up. We meet once a month on a Saturday for a time of fellowship - which includes movie nights, going out to dinner, potlucks at the church, outdoor cookouts, local productions in the theatre, and more! Check our online calendar and the weekly bulletin for upcoming events.

We have several Sunday School classes that may interest you - Adult II, Adult III, and Adult IV. Check out our Sunday School page for more information on those classes, which meet at 9am on Sunday mornings. 


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Mountain View Baptist Church has been blessed with a wonderful opportunity to help with disaster relief in our area! The TN Baptist Disaster Relief, of the TBMB, has asked our church to serve as a command site for teams of trained disaster relief volunteers of Texans on Mission. We will be housing these volunteers over the next few weeks upstairs in our Sunday School classrooms. The first team will arrive on 10/1 from Texas. They will set up their own mobile showers and mobile kitchen in our parking lot. We ask you do not use the first row of parking spaces closest to the modular building over the next few weeks. We will continue to provide you with information as it comes available. In the meantime, please contact your deacon for further questions.